Van die saamstel van ’n hoogs luisterbare program tot die vertolking van elke noot en nuanse was die uitvoering louter plesier. Die bonus van die aand was die klarinetspeler Eddy Vanoosthuyse… Vanoosthuyse as ’n kunstenaar “van ware internasionale standaard” Elretha Britz Volksblad Bloemfontein, Zuid Afrika/South Africa

kamermuziek ensembles

Eddy Vanoosthuyse is betrokken in heel wat organisaties:

This 2012 release of two of the world’s most difficult clarinet concertos by the Belgian clarinetist, Eddy Vanoosthuyse, demonstrably showcases his ample technical and musical gifts as a wide-ranging performer. Howard Klug the Clarinet