Eddy VanoosthuyseClarinet

with Eddy Vanoosthuyse on lead clarinet and Zimmer himself at the piano, it's a really great cue Don Goldwasser Soundtracker

Eddy Vanoosthuyse

principal clarinet Brussels Philharmonic

Professor University College Ghent, School of Arts, Royal Conservatory

Professor Fontys Conservatory Tilburg

masterclasses in universities and conservatiums in 4 continents

solo concerts in Europe, Norht-, central- and South Amerika, Africa and Asia.


This 2012 release of two of the world’s most difficult clarinet concertos by the Belgian clarinetist, Eddy Vanoosthuyse, demonstrably showcases his ample technical and musical gifts as a wide-ranging performer. Howard Klug the Clarinet